Go see a doctor if you’ve had a traumatic event like a fall and to rule out more serious forms of back pain like tumors, cardiac conditions, and disease. Here are qualified clinicians that can help you diagnose your back pain. Consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise program.
Your back pain is unique. If you want a customized program that meets your needs, work with a coach directly.
The following training programs can help point you in the right direction. If you feel pain during any exercise or stretch, stop and adjust or seek help to avoid triggering pain. Don’t do anything that increases your pain and don’t “push through” pain.
A proper training program can help you become pain-free, but it's critical that you first understand the cause of your back pain. Before beginning a training program, learn how to maintain good posture, breathe deeply, perform myofascial release on any trigger points, and perform light cardio.
Back Pain Training Program
The single goal of this training program is to get out of back pain. The exercises and stretches selected provide the greatest benefit with the least risk of re-injury. This program is not customized to your individual needs, but it’s an appropriate starting point for the majority of people.
This program is ordered based on difficulty, and if your pain is serious or your body is deconditioned, you may have to start with only the beginning of this program until you get stronger. Nothing should be painful and you should be able to breathe normally during the entirety of each exercise or stretch, and if you can’t it means you need to make it easier.
Core Stability | Perform 3 rounds of the core stability circuit. Rest as needed between sets. |
A - Deadbug - 30 seconds | B - Side plank - 30 seconds |
C -Plank with leg raise - 30 seconds | D - Glute bridge - 12 repetitions. |
Mobility | Perform 3 rounds of the mobility circuit. Rest as needed between sets. |
1A - Couch stretch - 60 seconds per side. | 1B - Hang from a bar - 60 seconds. |
1C - Slant Board - 60 seconds | 1D - Pigeon stretch - 60 seconds per side. |
1E - Pancake stretch - 60 seconds. | 1F - Thoracic rotation - 60 seconds |
Strength | Perform 3 rounds of each superset. Rest as needed between sets. |
2A - ATG Split Squat - 6 reps with a 5 second hold at the bottom on each side | 2B - Prone Y-press - 12 reps |
3A - Hip thrust - 12 reps | 3B - TRX Row - 12 reps |
4A - Box stepdown - 6 reps per leg | 4B - Farmer’s carry - 45 seconds |
5A - Standing calf raise - 20 reps | 5B - Tibialis raise - 20 reps |
If you have any question, please send me a message or comment below! Hope this helps! - Tom