Explain to me step by step what each cell in your body does to digest a hamburger. Even the most brilliant doctor can only provide an overview of the chemical processes that occur, but give them all the chemicals and tools in the world and they can’t recreate what the body does with ease.
Even if you have greater confidence in modern science, different bodies react differently at different times of the day and phases of life. Digestion will be different for a stressed individual in NYC than for someone chilling in Fiji.
Western medicine and biology is still based in Newtonian physics, which explains the physical world in a linear process: A → B → C → D
Quantum physics explains the physical world in terms of fields and waves. In fact, the atom and all physical matter around us is 99.99999% energy.
This is hard for the human mind to grasp, but if I’ve lost you, don’t worry, because here’s why this matters.
Doctors believe they can “cure” a person by isolating a point on the linear chemical process and either amplifying or dampening one of the steps. However, when you change one process, you affect everything. This is why there are so many unwanted side effects when you take a drug. Drugs are not specific. They affect different parts of the body differently. For example, this is why allergy medicine might make you drowsy.
For millions of years the body has evolved to survive. It did not need external drugs back then and it does not need them today. Taking drugs or getting surgery for chronic pain might work in the short term, but they deal with the symptoms and do not address the cause.
The body heals itself when we get out of the way. So how do we do that?
If you feel pain, it’s a sign you need to make a change.
Chronic pain is caused by our habits, not a flawed body, and the solution is to change our habits.
Next time you feel a headache or stomach ache, instead of reaching for the pain medication, which does nothing to address the cause, take care of your body.
Drink 2 large glasses of water, preferably with electrolytes.
Take 30 deep breaths with your diaphragm.
Perform 10 minutes of exercise with an elevated heart rate.
Practice gratitude to reduce stress.
Eat a meal with fiber and protein.
Read the Biology of Belief to learn more about your body or What’s wrong with my back to learn more about chronic pain.
In this post I dealt only with the rule for chronic ailments. This does not address acute injury or emergency. There are some exceptions where Western Medicine can help, but that is the exception and not the rule. If you have a different opinion, comment below and let's have a conversation!
Until next time! -Tom